IT'S ON EVERYTHING (2007.07.25)
01. Orgel
02. Unknown
03. Pause
04. Park
05. It's On Everything
06. Pause#2
07. Salace
08. Embraced Time Mf...
09. Orgel St
10. Perpetuity
11. Perpetuity#2
12. Coastine
Afterglow (2007.09.14)
01. Azure
02. Calm
03. Garden
04. Delight
05. Drizzle
06. Haze
07. Plus
08. Graf
09. Nostalgia
10. Afterglow
Tiny Musical (2008.09.15)
01. Overture
02. Departure
03. Parterre
04. Seaside
05. Lete
06. Light dance
07. Sky
08. Glim
09. Moon
10. Shorebird
11. Light dance - home
12. Remembrance
13. Just a Few Minutes
14. Smile
Polaroid Piano (2009.08.20)
01. Hicari
02. Faire
03. April
04. Would
05. Sign
06. Tale
07. Look
08. Tyme
09. Guitar
10. Venice
11. Ein Lied (Bonus Track)
Grassland (2010.02.13)
01. Glassland
02. Petrarca
03. Light
04. Marriage
05. Xiao ge er
06. Little dipper
07. Ballet
08. Over the horizon
09. Just a few minutes
10. Amour
11. Ensemble
how my heart sings (2011.04.11)
01. fleur
02. gray (w.violin)
03. larmes
04. mirage (w.saxophone)
05. singing birds
06. noel
07. nocturne
08. pluie froide (w.saxophone)
09. fragile
10. lete
11. light dance (w.violin)
12. my safe place
MANON (2012.05.23)
[ Disc1 ]
01. Prologue
02. Amiens
03. Innocent Children
04. Depth of Sorrow
05. First Love (Light Dance)
06. Alone for the First Time
07. Invasion of the Dark
08. Holy Place & Manon
09. Promise
10. Lies and Betrayal
11. The Lines in Between
12. Silence to Capture
[ Disc2 ]
01. Walls of Uncertainty
02. Love Theme
03. Truthful Heart
04. Playground of Justice
05. Nightmare
06. Manon Theme
07. Visions of a Dream
grassland+ (2014.05.24)
01. breath of spring
02. grassland
03. petrarca
04. light
05. pianomatic
06. xiao ge er
07. little dipper
08. marriage
09. into the blue
10. daybreak
11. ballet
12. over the horizon
13. just a few minutes
14. amour
15. ensemble
IT'S ON EVERYTHING+ (2014.07.31)
04. A PARK
06. PAUSE #2
10. LOST
最後の命 EMBERS (2014.10.08)
01. Opening Title オープニングタイトル
02. Reunion 再会
03. Reminiscence 追憶
04. Promise 約束
05. Root of Evil 禍根
06. Flashback 回想
07. Confession 告白
08. Vacuousness 空虚
09. Madness 狂気
10. Embrace 抱擁
11. Ripple 波紋
12. Recall 想起
13. Monologue 独白
14. Chaos 混乱
15. Letter 手紙
16. Truth 真実
17. Implore 哀願
18. World's End 終焉
19. Embers 最後の命
For (2015.11.25)
01. Purple
02. New World
03. Waves of Light
04. Gene
05. For
06. Upstairs
07. Fallen
08. Her
09. Then
MOMENTARY: Memories of the Beginning (2016.06.06)
[ CD ]
01. Starry Night
02. はじまりの記憶 feat.やなぎなぎ
03. Awakening
04. South Wind feat.nikiie
05. Momentary
06. Precious
07. Blue
08. 虹の彼方 feat.lasah
09. Prelude
10. Promise with You feat.Shaylee
11. The Door feat.nikiie
12. Farewell
13. Someday feat.デヴェンドラ・バンハート
14. A Map
15. Imagery
[ DVD ]
01. South Wind (dir. yugo chiba)
02. Momentary (dir. kimihiko nitta)
03. 虹の彼方 (dir. yuma saito)
04. Farewell (dir. shin kikuchi)
05. Someday (dir. kimihiko nitta)
One Day (2016.09.09)
01. Pale
02. Serena
03. Foe
04. Yuha
05. Mizet
06. Whit
07. Frea
08. Famile
09. Luna
10. Acari
映画「ハルチカ」 オリジナル・サウンドトラック (2017.03.01)
01. はじまりの朝
02. 草壁先生の譜面「春の光」
03. 部員勧誘~目標9名!
04. チカ中学時代回想「亜麻色の髪の乙女」
05. 部長の決意「おもちゃの交響曲」
06. 初めての合奏「上を向いて歩こう」
07. 芹澤の想い「ピアノ・ソナタ第8番 悲愴 第2楽章」
08. 芹澤ソロコンクール「チャルダッシュ」
09. ハルタ推理~芹澤の秘密
10. ミニFMはごろもリクエスト「サリーガーデン」
11. 夜の学校潜入
12. カイユが必要なんだ
13. それぞれの想い
14. 想いを乗せて「上を向いて歩こう」
15. 清水北高吹奏楽部復活ファンファーレ
16. 活気溢れる20名「『惑星』作品32より 木星」
17. 思い悩むチカ
18. 立ち尽くすチカ
19. やりきれないチカ「サリーガーデン」
20. ハルタとチカ
21. 草壁先生の想い
22. 舞台袖の緊張感「序曲『バーレイ急行』」
23. オリジナルテーマ曲「吹奏楽のための狂詩曲 第1番『春の光、夏の風』」
Electronica Unplugged 1 (2006.12.22)
01. Nunns Rd.
02. Talk About You
03. Directions
04. Mi Barco
05. The Sell
06. St. Petersburg
07. Dawn And Echoes
08. Drop
09. Leave This Town (On Bicycle)
10. Wwlit Alma
Add To Friends (2007)
01. Wake Up Call
02. Possumo
03. Kylie (Hong Kong)
04. Candle And Pechka
05. Cells That Smell Sounds
06. Docoiku
07. Bicycle (Lullatone Remix)
08. Bad Waves Of Paranoia (Part 1)
09. A Fat Bud
10. Wedding
11. Dust Dance (Chirichiri Maimai)
12. Trough Your Window
13. Turin
14. Kkkpkanewnew
15. Jane And Jenny
16. Orange Trumpet
17. Leo, Are You Still Jumping Out Of The Windows In Expensive Clothes?
18. Enough Grace
Emergent Consciousness (2007)
01. Sine 2 Excerpt
02. Sullen City
03. Dog Shuttle
04. Frost
05. Drop
06. Cloud 8
07. Juniper Trees (Plosive Mix)
08. Talk About You
09. Ozone
10. Lunch Time
11. You And The Stars
12. Blank Holiday Monday (Klotzsch & Sudermann Mix)
13. Io (Original Mutation)
14. Autumn Air
15. Blanc Et Bleu
16. St. Petersburg
17. 6
18. Bitch, Where's The Guns (Off The Sky Mix)
19. Nunns Road
20. Wash The Boat
21. Viburnum Farreri
22. Let A
23. Andana
Table Of Elements 2.0 (2007.02)
[ Disc1 ]
01. Political Absurdity (Xabec Remix)
02. Mitec
03. Contrust
04. Club Dread
05. Walls Of Israël
06. Barefeet
07. Sinful Paradise
08. Gering Ehrung
09. Who
10. Massive (Dirty Version)
11. S.E.T.I.
12. His Lucky Chairs
13. Awful Things
14. I’m Still A Virgin
[ Disc2 ]
01. 5 mg Less
02. Open State (Mnemonic Remix)
03. Mid Air
04. The Picture
05. Medication For Child And Seniors
06. Wasted Stone
07. Miss Messiah
08. Lichtung Um 2.33uhr
09. La Voix De L’empereur
10. Smell
11. Monstrous
12. Sweep
13. Infinity (Live In Geneva)
14. The Day When The World Became Darker & Different
Drifting Skywards 2 (2007.03.17)
01. 26 Diena
02. Tee Child
03. Loss
04. Ch Four Edt
05. Buen Genoma
06. A Conversation (4:21PM)
07. Yellow Lawn
08. Green As A Nim
09. In Memoriam
10. [ ]
11. Peeling White Walls
12. Crapahuter
13. Herr Von Runkenstein Liest Aus Edgar Allan Poe's Der Rabe
14. When It Came
15. Madame La Directrice Des Pauvres
schole compilation vol.1 (2007.05.13)
01. Magical Neighborhood
02. Mirror Flake
03. Between A and B
04. Your Book of Everything
05. slow birds for Mayo T
06. ermo
07. name.april
08. Knew Peace
09. My Favorite Fork & Knife
10. Watercolor
11. These Molecules Evaporate
12. Scarlett
13. Parallels and Infiltrations
14. arne
Airport Symphony - Virtual Terminal (2007.07)
01. 67
02. Between
03. Air Is What We Breathe In
04. Latitudes
05. Terminals 3 And 4
06. Dìji
07. Terminal
08. Transire
09. Narita Kousou Mst
10. Tension/Release
11. Yul 7.12
Classifields (2007.10.01)
01. Homemap #2 - Clouds
02. A Sunday Walk
03. Croquepomme-Table
04. Botaniska Trädgård
05. A L'Arrivée Du Printemps, De Menus Travaux D'Entretien S'Imposent Au Jardin. Quelque Chose Va Se Rompre...
06. 0045
07. Garden
08. Porteur D'âmes
09. Yuenlin, 24.03.2007
10. 20070715-Wendt-UK-Part2
11. Blake House Herculer
12. Kizxju
Kaspar Hauser Records Compilation No. 2 (2007.12.30)
[ Disc1 ]
01. RSM HMLCR' Neue
02. Toy Horses
03. Kaspar
04. In The Garden
05. Piano Record
06. Killing Time
07. I Want To Be A Horseman Like My Father Is
08. Encaged
10. In Solitary Confinement
[ Disc2 ]
01. Wer'r Ffz For Kaspar
02. Ein Reiter Will Ich Werden, Wie Mein Vater Einer War
03. Talking To Toy Animals
04. Kaspar's Last Story
05. Chaser 1
06. Hic Occultus Occulto Occisus Est
07. Spielzeugpferd
08. Rousseau
09. I Want To Ride Like My Father
10. Cat Hand Piano
Hi Bi No Ne (2008)
01. P V G
02. Small Planet
03. Tiny Star
04. Stkhlm
05. Hanauta
06. 「 」
07. Fell Fall
08. AM3:00
09. Flash Back
10. Madonosoto
11. Super No Flat
12. Sou
13. I'm Home
14. Oyasuminasai
88 Tapes (2008)
01. Esnow
02. Xime
03. Felt
04. Fourcolor Remix
05. 33 Fainting Spells
06. 20
07. Long Long Time Ago
08. Solar Mirage
09. Cassette 8
10. Measuring Flutter
11. A Spectre Of Lost Time
12. Along-A-Space-Diagonal
13. Old Tapes
14. Three Treasures
Time Lapse (2008.02.06)
01. Amelia
02. Jacopo
03. Bedtime
04. Scarlett
05. Seed
06. Tuesday
07. Time Lapse
08. Land of Forgotten Morals
09. Szek
10. Guitars
11. Broken Lentern
12. Crochet
13. Through a new Horizon
14. Arne remix
15. Scarlett (Akira Kosemura Remix)
Usual Revolution And Nine (2008.08.08)
01. Introduction
02. I Hope (Canon No.9 Remix)
03. Alive
04. Future Airport
05. Again And Again
06. Symmetry World
07. Meguru
08. Found It
09. Princess
10. Prays
11. Afterglow (No.9 Remix)
12. Clover Classic
13. Over There Empty
14. With Millions Of Love - Fine -
Kanransha (2008.12.03)
01. the fountain
02. i like it here
03. a walk through the trees
04. three dots ended that
05. clouds in your sunglasses
06. choose to escape
07. ferris wheel
08. goodbye to gulliver
09. tristwch
10. olympus mons
11. the fountain (akira kosemura remix)
12. choose to escape (d_rradio remix)
13. i like it here (dollboy remix)
14. ferris wheel (cheju remix)
I'm Home (2009.02.11)
01. 記憶
02. Green & Cloud
03. 雨
04. Sheep
05. Reverie
06. Onigocco
07. Sunday
08. Snow Country
09. 暮らし
10. Room
11. おかえり
12. ...
13. 日々
Variations of Silence (2009.02.12)
01. Ba
02. Conversation Piece
03. La Dilettante
04. Cet Enfer Miraculeux
05. Nocturne
06. San Solomon
07. White Lake
08. Rytm to Niesmiertelnosc II
09. Lull
10. Coins & Crosses
11. Ripple
12. In the Darkened Underpass
13. It Goes Without Saying
14. Eclipse and Nafas
usual revolution and nine remix (2009.04.16)
01. introduction ( Remix by Ametsub )
02. alive ( Remix by haruka nakamura )
03. again, again and again ( Remixed by aus )
04. meguru ( Remix by DJ funnel )
05. Princess ( Remix by I am robot and proud )
06. Introduction ( Remix by Akira Kosemura )
07. found it ( Remix by miaou )
08. KATABAMI dance (clover classic Remix by kashiwa daisuke)
09. with millions of love ( Remix by Kettel )
10. prays ( Remix by Nanofingers )
11. left the wind ( Remix by no.9 orchestra )
In This Nest, We Found Our Winged Tales (2009.04.20)
01. Red Toe Nails (Haruka Nakamura's Noite Quieta Remix)
02. Luz (aspidistrafly's 幻の光 Remix)
03. Tufts (aus Remix)
04. IHI (hearts+horses Remix)
05. l (Fjordne Remix)
06. Bites Of Snow (Flica Remix)
07. Land Of Forgotten Morals (Federico Durand Remix)
08. Tilo (Dom Mino' Remix)
09. 小歌儿 (Akira Kosemura Remix)
10. Just A Few Minutes (Me:mo Remix)
Windvane & Window (2009.04.26)
01. f
02. g
03. h
04. i
05. i
06. k
07. l
08. m
09. l (-Akira Kosemura remix)
10. i (-Akira Kosemura remix)
11. after (Bonus Track)
12. all (original version) (Bonus Track)
13. all (-paniyodo remix-) (Bonus Track)
01. Kiss Of Life
02. After It
03. Aurora
04. Sitting on the Beach
05. Green Power
06. Departure
07. Right Here feat. Dwele
08. Jazzy Joint feat. Jose James
09. revans
10. Gelnia
11. The Session feat. Henrik Schwarz, Yoshihiro Tsukahara
12. lust / rei harakami
13. #1 Dub
14. Vision Eyes feat. Golden Boy
15. Maintain feat. O.C.
16. Child's Attraction
Home (2012.09.15)
01. Enghave
02. Istedgade
03. Pere IV
04. Sankt Hans Torv
05. Pisrenden
06. Paloma
07. Nebo
08. Taolin
09. Poble Nou
10. 11PM
11. Vesterbro
12. Ravnsborg
13. Pere IV (Sawako Remix)
14. Sankt Hans Torv (Paniyolo Remix)
my private space (2010.01.20)
01. azure
02. left the wind
03. Halo
04. Good morning
05. An old story
06. small promise
07. petrarca
09. will you ...
10. tangeline
11. sign
12. wood, cluster
A FULL LIFE (2010.04.21)
01. Freesia feat. Akira Kosemura
02. A Full Life feat. Mic Jack Production
03. I'm So Into You feat. Keyco
04. You Gots To Chill (In da Park) feat. Freez from Ramb Camp / El Nino
05. Smoke Escalator feat. Muta from North Smoke Ing
06. Mothearth feat. Vida Jafari
07. Michi feat. Chiyori
08. Carry Knives feat. Ceschi Ramos
09. 術 INK feat. Nagan Server from Abnormal Bulum@
10. Sojourner feat. Rebel-Hi
11. Breath feat. 72
12. Still In April feat. Jang A Reum
13. ローレライ feat. 将絢 from Romancrew
14. Here's Why feat. Elf Tranzporter
Chill SQ (2010.05.26)
01. 聖剣伝説-FF外伝-~Rising Sun~果てしなき戦場~Requiem
02. Final Fantasy IV~愛のテーマ
03. 魔界塔士Sa・Ga~メインテーマ
04. フロントミッション~Within Living Memory...
05. ライブ・ア・ライブ~Warm A Live~Live Over Again
06. Final Fantasy IV~アリア
07. Final Fantasy V~親愛なる友へ
夜空に煌く星のように (2010.07)
01. Puke - Analog Version
02. Faur
03. Last Tears (Original)
04. Last Song
05. 秋、彩々
06. Hourglass
07. Goodbye, Summer Rain
08. Monotonous Purgatory
09. Vimana Trip
10. Lantern
11. Hanabi
12. Noctambulist
note of seconds schole compilation vol.2 (2010.07.06)
01. revive
02. 恋の花
03. traveling
04. here
05. re : brillo
06. pasqua
07. ma ba ta ki
08. eleven
09. intermittent color
10. it's true
11. アラトソラ
12. waterside birds
13. kokyu
14. fragile
15. 10
Sgustok Podcast 005 (2010.08.02)
01. A Drifting Up
02. The Snow Is Falling
03. Pop
04. Semillas De Baobab
05. April
06. M42
07. The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
08. Psychedelic Coffee Buzz
09. Pulcinella
10. Summer IV
11. Eltern
12. Night Squall
13. Autumn Music 2
Quiet Moments ~Melancholic Twilight (2011.02.17)
01. DAWN
09. FILM
16. OPUS 23
部屋、音楽が溶けて (2011.03.24)
01. Speak Louder
02. April
03. 4月 -Largo-
04. call
05. A Gathering To Lead Me When You're Gone
06. ii
07. Just Below The Surface
08. Confusion in Consequence
09. Limmat
10. Walnut Street Rectory
11. Inside Rain (Early Songs' Interpretation)
12. Ceasefire
13. bu'ert so'lin
14. Undan hulu
UNSPOKEN WORDS (2011.11.16)
01. she wasn’t here (with Roger Doering)
02. all alone (with Roger Doering & Zinovia Arvanitidi)
03. oper I
04. small tree
05. still foggy (with Natalie Tba Beridze)
06. what is love (with Akira Kosemura)
07. call (with Takeshi Nishimoto & Roger Doering)
08. sea bells (with Nao Pon)
09. oper II
10. rainy yellow leaves on a tree
11. you are a bright star
12. sparkles (with El Fog)
Variations of Pianoforte (2012.12.13)
01. Amnesiac
02. 夏の懺悔 Confession of Summer
03. An Ending, A Beginning
04. Bienvenida
05. Unter
06. Who'll Save The Left
07. The Whole Truth
08. Love Is A personal thing
09. Schneller gehen
10. Would
Quiet Moments - Winter Promenade (2012.12.27)
01. Irene
02. Ocean
03. Boats & Birds
04. 24-25
05. Lake Water
06. Fragile
07. I Am Piano
08. Undying Eyes
09. In The Sunshine
10. By This River
11. Nothing Like The Love I Have For You
12. Love Again
13. True Believers
14. Blue Sky Collapse
15. Halfway To A Threeway
16. Way Go, Lily
17. Cycling Trivialities
エウアル (2013.07.03)
01. 本当
02. ユキトキ
03. 青のパレード
04. Concent
05. Helvetica
06. Ambivalentidea
07. Euaru
08. Zoetrope
09. ラテラリティ
10. ストレンジアトラクター
11. クオリア
12. トランスルーセント
13. ビードロ模様
14. 嘘
Shanshui Records - 10th Anniversary (2013)
[ Disc1 ]
01. Time Stretch
03. Lolita Dröhn
04. Multi-faceted
05. Einsamkeit
06. Stepping Out Of The Ego
07. Animal
08. Elektro Funk
09. Firework Girl After
10. Open
[ Disc2 ]
01. Sky Drive
02. Kaikô
03. A Thinner Shade Of Green
04. Bind Kids With A Pistol
05. A Child's View (Feat. Moskitoo)
06. Come Home
07. Formless
08. Man In The Ear
09. A Slow Waltz (Halo Remix)
10. Into Your Zella Plateau (Nokto De La Plateau)
[ Disc3 ]
01. Earthbreaker
02. Animal Like Us
03. Fucking Sweets Lol
04. Sky
05. Melotribe
06. Do Not Panic
07. Ruin And Creation
08. Supabassdon3
09. Acid Gate
10. Tropicona Squeeze
[ Disc4 ]
01. Get Money
02. Monkey Step
03. Chit Tu
04. MOFOs
05. Korean Shamen Step
06. Break Return
07. Control
08. Cdr Acid
09. Insect Room
10. Dark Horse
Joy schole compilation vol.3 (2013.03.15)
01. beginning
02. evergreen
03. irodori
04. joy
05. welcome to my playground
06. air
07. imagine fun
08. short story
09. day light dream
10. santiago
11. incense
12. light dance-guitar
13. anne
Memoria - Schole Label Sampler 2014 - (2014)
01. Memory 1
02. Idearythmical
03. Air
04. Run Away
05. Yumecasy
06. Flora
07. モチーフ
08. My Safe Place
Mixtape For Dawn (2014)
01. Forche
02. Silhouettes
03. Temporal
04. Horse Thief Spring
05. Arête
06. The Body Tired (Pt. 2)
07. Continuum
08. In These Narrow Spaces (Part I & II)
09. Magic Hour Insects
10. Whitetrees
11. Girasoli E Lavanda
12. Countless White Moons
13. Ethan Veerbek
Quiet Moments - From Dusk Till Dawn - (2014.03.20)
01. Old Tales Of Folly
02. Aless (初CD化)
03. Vital Sign (初CD化)
04. Story Of Forest
05. Shadow Play
06. Do You Know The Way To Sleep
07. YSW
08. Tears (初CD化)
09. Stars (Quiet Version) (未発表ヴァージョン)
10. See The Light
11. Lethe
12. あくる日
Reconstruqt (2015)
01. Nocturne
02. Himitsu
03. In The Forest, Other Side
04. Floor Music
05. Crawler
06. Good Night Girl
07. Repeat Pleasure
BRILLIANT HOPES (2015.02.12)
01. Origin
02. Home
03. Joint feat. affable noise
04. Anew
05. Trivial Lie
06. Himitsu feat. unmo
07. Lullaby feat. petitoto
08. Springlike
09. Misty Moon feat. akira kosemura
10. Curtain
11. Verdure
12. Will
13. Never End
Quiet Moments ~ Piano Tone (2015.03.19)
01. Memory 2
02. E Dai'?
03. Ganz WeiB
04. Ljo'sid
05. Light Dance
06. Still travelling
07. Temporal *raw piano recording
08. 忘れかけた面影
09. You
10. 別れの挨拶
JEROME Mixfile (2016)
01. Burial HD
02. Shell Of Light
03. Archangel
04. +
05. 40 Summers Left
06. Splashing II
07. Amayadori
08. ?????
09. Unfinished Swan
10. Alanna
11. Garden
Piano Cloud Series Vol.1 (2016.07.29)
01. Nils Has a New Piano
02. Running by the roads, running by the fields (solopiano)
03. Eyes Closed And Traveling
04. Everyone Wants To Be Found
05. A Hunger for the new
06. Singur
07. Unasked Questions
08. Unstitch
09. Two steps too often aside (Early Variation I)
10. Opus #24
11. Kaiwata Tsuki
12. In the morning I'll be with you
13. Soft Like Snow
14. Vater
15. November
16. Olopte's lullaby
17. Again
18. Waltz Sketch
19. Close To Her
20. Farewell
Beau Paysage La Montagne 2017 (2016.11.27)
01. Sing A Rainbow
02. 3.06
03. Close To Wetland
04. Amour
05. Infinite Love
06. Rovaniemi
07. Horizon
08. The Door Into Summer
09. Petals Will Fall
10. Subtle
11. Farmer's Trust
12. Il Gigante E La Balena
13. Outono
14. Palisandro
15. Rigen
When The World Will Mix Well (2017.02.25)
01. For Us
02. Shorebird
03. Fantasia
04. Come, Open, Join
05. Horse From Parallel
06. Row, Row
07. Clearly Clear
08. Esquisse
09. When The Word And The Heart Will Mix Well
10. Cantabile
Piano Cloud Series - Volume Three (2017.03.29)
01. Resonance
02. Tail Lights
03. Passi
04. The Forgotten Keys
05. Two For Joy
06. Zenith (8 Pianos Outtake)
07. The Place Where They Go
08. Cyclic
09. Eights
10. Firenze
11. Touch
12. Line of Lines
13. Aquerelle Sur Bois
14. Sonder
15. Somnus
16. Libeccio
17. Silhouette
18. Another Paradigm